Wednesday, 30 April 2008


Funny thing Love.  I am very fortunate that I have been loved well all my life.  As a child you don't notice it.  Hopefully it is there coming from your family, your Mum and Dad, siblings, whoever, but it is only as an adult that you really start to think about what love is.

I am a great lover.  I don't mean between the sheets; love in terms of my affection for others, male or female.  People talk about soul mates.  Is that the same as being on the same wavelength as someone?  I have known many people that I have readily identified with, that have spoken my language and shared similar thought processes.  But I have not loved them. Love to me is a feeling, an emotion, not always action.  Wordnet defines love as "a strong positive emotion of regard and affection". But this is a description not an explanation of the feeling that one has when in love with a person, a concept, an act or even something as a food.  I love my wife and daughter unconditionally.  They mean so much to me that I would die if I thought that would make their lives safer, stronger and happier.  When they are around me I experience a happiness and delight that I cannot describe adequately.  But why?  What is it about these two people that cause me to feel differently than I do about anybody else.  How has it been sustained for over twenty years.   Obviously I know them better.  Maybe it's the reciprocation of my feelings, my joy at being in their company returned to me.  My wife has always been there for me from the first time we realised that our feelings weren't simply a liking for each other.  I have done my best to look after her too.  My daughter is literally of my loins.  A piece of me.  She thinks like me, acts like me (except that she is one hundred times more energetic), is me in so many ways.  I cannot imagine life without her now.

What of the others.  Let's talk intangibles.  People that ought, by any reasonable definition be people that I might like, but not be too bothered about.  They are not people that I have ever met, most don't even live in the UK.  I know nothing about them except what I have seen coming at me through the computer screen.

Let's look at my friend Nova.  I met Nova though myLot three months ago.  She seemed bubbly, intelligent and committed to her principles.  She made me laugh and challenged many of my preconceptions of life.  We also shared similar interests.  She knew some of my history too.  But my liking for her turned to love in a surprising way.  I found myself in an unpleasant discussion with someone who clearly had no regard for me, and refused to accept my apology when I thought that I might have jumped to a wrong conclusion.  Nova leapt to my defence.  I didn't ask her to, she did of her own volition.  Here was someone that I had never even spoken to, let alone met outside of the discussion forum, fighting for me!  I was simply astonished that she would do that.  From that moment on I wanted to know more about this wonderful person who had been moved, by I don't know what, to the point that she was prepared to kick ass as they say in America.  I have now seen her on my webcam.  She is everything I have described and more.  I am so lucky to have a friend like Nova.

Or Sparky who pointed me in the direction of this Blog site.  She has plenty of her own issues to tax her, but she cheerfully drops things to come and talk to me; listens to the rubbish that I spout, puts her arms around me; hugs and kisses me and makes me laugh and do silly things. Katherine, who I love so much that I ache.  We both grew up within 30 miles of each other.  She holds my hand when I am daft.  Kisses me better and gives me sensible sound advice.  I correspond with her each day.  My heart leaps when I see a post from her.  Angel, Cyn, my good friend Goodie who has been so much help this past day or two.  Ruby and Ellie my special British friends who tease me keep me in line and share their unique experiences with me.  Mummymo, who tells me off and puts me to bed when I stay up too late.   Others too, so many.  I have such a deep and warm love and affection for these people, yet I have never even spoken to a single one of them.  In the main I would not know them if I saw them in the street, nor they me.  But I know that I have such strong feelings about them that I cannot imagine my daily life without their cheerful banter.  

"The boy's daft" I hear you cry, and indeed he is.  But these people, through their kindness and companionship to me, their simple caring, despite the fact that we all have very different backgrounds and lifestyles have never judged me, nor taken a negative stance with me.  They tell me that they love me and I love them back.  That's it then.  No explanation, just a warmth and trust that the right thing will be done.  I worry that I may have let them down.  But if I have, I know that they will tell me in a caring and understanding way and will not judge me.


itsreallymefifty said...

Love as they say is a many splendored thing. We love those we can touch, feel, taste and lose ourselves in, in ways that still cannot be properly defined. But except for the instant love of the children of our loins upon first gazing after birth, other such 'real life' loves take time.
Oddly, the instant connections we make to words on a screen by people we have never met, and chances are will never meet, defy not only definition, but logic. The people we perceive behind the words, come to life in our minds and hearts so quickly, so strongly, that our interaction with them sometimes seems deeper, and more prolific than those off line. There is a magic to the technology of instant access that is addictive. Our emotions are deeply and so very quicly touched, activated and reactive to a few simple words written from far away.
Is this a modern kind of love? Who knows? Who cares. Because love it is, caring it is. REAL it is.
We live in a world that caters to instant gratification. The net is far and away the leader of this new movement of modern society. But it has its dangers too and as quickly as love can grow, so can it die. But the impact of words, never loses it's power, and the connections and friends thus made, remain for us, integral parts of our being, our presence, our raison d'etre.
Yes, love is a many splendored thing - especially on the net.
Have I told you lately, my friend from across the world, how much I love and admire you?
Consider it said, again, and again, and again.

Anonymous said...

Well My darling I am afraid that I can not put my feelings into words as effectively or as coherently as yourself or fifty can but I can say that whilst I try to find the good in people in all areas of my life there are certain people both online and off that you can just tell straightaway you can trust and rely in! You know that they will come to you if they need help or support and will be happy to reciprocate if you are struggling in any way! Love is about trust and with some people you just know you can trust them instantly, that they are genuine and sincere and I think that is the basis of love!
As for you being daft - well I can't argue with that (lol) but not about your notions of love!

Love you loads already Steve and you know what - there are MANY more that do too! xxx

AngelWhispers said...

Evening Handsome, My My :))) Your leaving sure left us a bit stir crazy Pikey. I have not had that much fun calling out a lie in quite some time. I sure would have rather been laughing at your quick wit rather messing with someone who thinks she has all of Gods answers.

I miss you. Those three words as simplistic as they are speaks my heart. Your blog has touched me to my core. Ohhhhhh Where are the damn kleenex

Thats enough of that! Its been one of those days Steve...

What I want to know now is how do I get me one of these here blogs?

itsreallymefifty said...

Hey mummy - look at the top of the page in the right hand corner. There is a link there called "create a blog". Click on it and hey presto, you're all set to get one of your own. Good luck.

itsreallymefifty said...

Oh hell Angle - those instructions were meant for YOU!
Sorry mummymo - it's late and I'm going blind! LOL

Anonymous said...

To have love you must give love, to have friends you must be a friend and you are such a loving friendly guy no wonder you are surrounded by love and friendship, you are so funny too with your play on words. 'I am a great lover' and then the explanation. A bit like the knickers posts LOL.
Nova is special and I have witnessed her jump to your defence, wonderful lady. There are just so many good guys out there. You P1kef1sh are one of the good guys one who feels and understands, one who loves. Ellie :D

Anonymous said...

P1ke you are a wonderful person and I feel lucky to have met you.

I am so glad you started this blog to express yourself.

I think it is just wonderful and will check in often to be enlightened and 'feel the love' you spew. AnnieOakley1

p1kef1sh said...

People keep telling me that I am good with words. But this time words fail me. I am so lucky and privileged to have you all in my life. I have all your names tattooed on my heart. I just have to think of you and I feel safe. Thank you for being my friends.

itsreallymefifty said...

Do you hear that ladies? We have the fish on the hook and he'll never get away from us now! LOL
Stop struggling against the inevitable P1ke my dear - loving ties bind tight you know!
Hugs are much better! LOl

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Pike on the birth of your blog.
I for one shall look forward to the next episode.
God bless your blog and all who sail in her !!


p1kef1sh said...

Thank you Ruby. I shall try to ensure plain sailing - well a little.

Ella said...
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