Tuesday, 6 May 2008

Apparently I am an undesirable

I decided at the weekend to set up a parallel blog to this one to act as an ongoing story.  The intention is that I shall start writing and only stop once I have reached a conclusion, or my friends have had enough and tell me the thing is too awful to read any further.  I also hope that they they might give me editorial thoughts and pointers.

I thought that this was pretty innocuous and could not imagine that anyone might take offence at the idea.  But Blogger has!  S/He has told me that my Blog may be a "Spam Blog"  whatever that means.  To say that I am unimpressed is an understatement.  There are barely any words there and I am unable to post for now.  I have raised an appeal, but I am pretty annoyed.

I am going away for a few days.  Back on Friday.  If my blog is still there and functioning again I shall try to make a start.  I am slightly afraid that I shall lose both that blog and this.  Clearly I am an evil subversive undesirable.  You just thought that I was a fish with a penchant for conical bras!


Anonymous said...

Well sweetheart I read and commented on your blog and if blogger thinks it is a spam blog then I am afraid that they are in a paralell universe where the thought process is totally topsy turvy!
As for being undesirable well I desire you sweety - even with your lovely conical bra - or should that be because of it....................

p1kef1sh said...

Thank you Mummymo. I am completely at a loss to understand why the system should think the way it does. Big Brother is watching and jumping to the wrong conclusions!!

Anonymous said...

I don't like SPAM and now the song is stuck in my head. Thanks.

p1kef1sh said...

Oh dear Nanna. I am not sure that I have ever met anybody that really liked Spam. It's an annoying little tune isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Spam! WTF?

I think your blogs are great, but I can't always post comments in them as I am not a blogger and don't have a google ID either.

Love ya P1ke.

Keep posting.