Sunday, 4 May 2008

Sunday Roast

I have popped back to myLot a few times over the past 12 hours.  Bella thought that the time was right to salute our friends which we have done royally, most of us have been there - except for Cyn!  Where is that girl?

Roasting is not something that we do in the UK - except on a Sunday usually when we carnivores like nothing better than to get to grips with a joint of beef or similar.  Alternatively, being roasted is not something that we relish.  In the UK it means that we have been told off. 

The whole concept of saluting ones friends by means of an irreverent but affectionate discussion seems on the surface, rather shallow and cloying.  In fact, it has been a wonderful experience, at least for me.  Now there are parts of this blog where I have made clear how I feel about my myLot friends. But the opportunity to say what we feel about each other in an organised manner in front of the whole myLot audience is quite unusual and I for one welcome it.  I am also delighted to have the opportunity to acknowledge the debt that I owe to my friends without whom my life would lack so much.

So as I get to grips with my Sunday roast I give thanks for the Sunday myLot roast too.  Cheers.


Anonymous said...

LOL p1ke honey I have to agree! I have never really understood what a roast was before but I thoroughly enjoyed our roasts today and have to say all were well thought out, witty and clever! It is good to be able to toast our friends and get drunk in the process! lol Heres to you my Darling! xxxxx

p1kef1sh said...

And to you Mummymo. I need to go and find you now. It's bedtime. LOL

Anonymous said...

It was fun, wasn't it, p1ke? I certainly enjoyed it, and hey, ya know, it's gonna be your turn next month. Bella's nominated me to roast you in June and while I'm more than happy to do it, I just hope I'm up to the task. You and Spark and Angel have all been so clever with your roasts - but I'll give it my best shot. And there's no one I'd rather roast than you, darlin, mmm, medium rare, a bit of gravy on the side. Yum, yum. And I do believe that Cyn's going to roast me, so that should be a trip and a half. If everyone keeps their minds in the gutter, it should work out just fine.

Now, time for more coffee. Monday morning, and it's too hard to wake up.

Love and kisses,


p1kef1sh said...

I can think of nobody that could roast me better than a lovely piece of crackling like yourself Nova! I have to se Cyn's roast. That will be delicious with just enough horseradish sauce to clear our head through!!